Due Diligence and Ongoing Monitoring

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  • 1.  Procurement, RFP and vendor selection questionnaires

    Posted 19 days ago

    Hello fellow vendors managers 

    We have been rebuilding our whole Third-Party program and our credit union has grown very fast. With that we will be working on a full procurement program that will involve several departments and we are not sure who will actually "own" it. 

    In the mean time I am hoping you all can assist me in building a general high risk selection questionnaire or RFP. 

    Would you be willing to provide a copy of your RFP template? Obviously there will be some service specific questions but I am looking for the standard IT, connectivity, architecture, compliance, and dependency questions. 

    I would also like to discuss your methodology and process if your up for it as well.    

  • 2.  RE: Procurement, RFP and vendor selection questionnaires

    Posted 17 days ago
      |   view attached

    Hi AJ,

    I've attached the workbook template that I have developed and use.  While it doesn't contain actual questions of any particular service specific questions, its organization and general structure may help.  I'd be very interested in receiving any additional samples that you receive as well, because we're in our infancy with RFPs as well, and need help building our standard requirements (questions).


  • 3.  RE: Procurement, RFP and vendor selection questionnaires

    Posted 17 days ago

    States post their RFP's publicly so you might be able to get some ideas if you check out their sites.  Here is where you can find the State of MN RFPs.


    Judi Mortenson

    Single Family Business Operations Manager

    Pronouns: She/Her/Hers


    Minnesota Housing

    Housing is the foundation for success. |mnhousing.gov




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