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  • If your vendor relationship hasn't changed much, start by asking what has changed in the last 12 months (or 6 months, depending on your review frequency). From there, gather any relevant control documents that support the product/service hosted ...

  • RE: Tiering

    Determining criticality can be challenging as you did not specify which industry you are in, as each sector has different qualifiers. For a financial institution, criticality could be assessed based on several factors, such as whether the outsourced ...

  • Posted in: Risk Assessments

    Hello, We also use individual risk area scores (we have 10 risk areas we assess) instead of an aggregated risk score or tiering for similar reasons. This allows us to focus on specific risks and managing them and assures they aren't tiered ...

  • RE: Tiering

    This is how we determine if a vendor is critical: Whether a vendor is critical has more to do with whether the product or service they provide to us is critical, and how reliant we are on the product/service to operate. ​ ...

  • I've attached the questionnaire we use annually.

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