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  • I'm glad my answer was helpful! The CAIQ I mentioned before is designed to assess the security controls of all three providers – SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS. The questionnaire contains yes/no questions, which makes it easy to determine whether the ...

  • Good day Jamie, Thank you for this insightful information - much appreciated! What we attempt in our assessment (my team is only responsible for the Security assessment aspect) we have the basic questions in terms of Security posture, policies, ...

  • RE: Vetting SaaS Vendors

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous Thank you for this insightful information Christine! How would you recommend vetting for IaaS and PaaS supplier (only in terms of the Security Controls)? Anyone in the community ...

  • Michael, please see the HECVAT (Higher Education Cloud Vendor Assessment Tool) that's used by Universities to assess cloud vendors. These questions apply to any cloud vendor. Here's the link: Higher Education Community Vendor Assessment Toolkit ...

  • Hi there, By "Bank", it is correct to assume sub-prime mortgage bankers/lender is what you mean by "non-traditional bank"? I managed a web-based inter-business hosted lead and application tracking solution (in 1996, we didn't call it a ...

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