Identifying the Key Players for Third-Party Risk Management at Your Credit Union

When:  Feb 15, 2024 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM (ET)

Online Webinar | CPE Credit Eligible

Third-party risk management is a complex system that requires a careful combination of processes, procedures, people, documentation, and more to work effectively. There are many key players involved in these activities, ranging from vendor owners, subject matter experts (SMEs), a dedicated third-party risk management team, senior management, the board of directors, and even internal auditors, regulators, and examiners.  
It can be cumbersome yet necessary to identify these key players within your credit union and define their responsibilities. Join us for this session that will help clarify some of these roles and responsibilities for your third-party risk management program. 
Register now to learn:
  • Who is involved in third-party risk management 
  • The roles and responsibilities of each key player  
  • How to support your key players and enable their success 
  • Regulatory requirements 
  • Key takeaways  


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