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  • 1.  Organizing/Cleaning up documents

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
    Posted 07-25-2023 04:49 PM
    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous

    Hello everyone,

    In my effort to cleaning up our current vendor document library, I was wondering if it was okay to clean up and provide a naming structure to our vendor files in our system or would that be an issue for examiners/auditors? 

    For example, if a collection of vendor COI's are named differently in our system (Acme COI 01/01/20, Acme Certificate of Insurance 01/01/21, etc), I just want them to look uniformed, so it doesn't look scattered. Is this okay? I've heard that isn't a problem but I've also heard that might be a cause for concern from an examiner's or auditor's point of view. I'm looking for further perspective on this.

    Thank you!

  • 2.  RE: Organizing/Cleaning up documents

    Posted 07-26-2023 08:21 AM

    We use our own naming convention for the documents we collect. For our documents on Venminder Document Collections if the name is different then what we use then I go in and re-download and save as the name we use and upload to the documents tab that way.

    Then when we run our reports looking for our docs it knows what we have and don't have on file by our naming convention.


    Greg Schilder

    Vendor Manager


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