Good Morning Anonymous!
That is the beauty of this forum- Get best practice from other professionals- I can tell you that in our shop, law firms are not out of scope, especially if they are being used in bankruptcy or foreclosure matters. They typically get restricted information and are obligated to protect it. However many firms outsource their security and don't necessarily have a dedicated person in house to ensure they are getting the best protection. Where I am, for every vendor we first determine if the vendor is Material- We accomplish this by making the requestor/vendor owner respond to the Materiality Assessment which asks the following questions (these questions can be altered to suit your bank):
Will the third party perform a critical function, where if the third-party fails to perform could cause significant operational, reputational, compliance, strategic or customer damage?:
Will the third party annual spend exceed $100,000?:
Will the third party annual spend exceed 100K?
Will the third party market products and/or services on behalf of the bank directly to borrowers or clients?
Will the third party interact directly or indirectly with the bank's borrowers, clients, Board of Directors, or regulators?
Will the third party perform financial transactions, including card payment, ACH, EFT, etc.?
Will the vendor relationship require a significant investment in resources to implement, maintain, manage risk, or to bring the business activity in-house or to transfer the business activity to a different vendor?
If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then the vendor is deemed material, and then must be given a risk assessment to determine what their risk tier is. Our risk assessment is comprised of weighted questions tied to the risk vectors which determines whether a vendor is Enterprise Critical -Very high risk, Critical- High risk, Moderate- Medium risk, or Low Risk. Non Material vendors are categorized as such by TPRM, however we still pull them into the master inventory and run OFAC on a recurring basis post onboarding, the same as our Material, risk tiered vendors. Additionally, adding or modifying services to a non material vendor requires the same materiality questions to be provided to make sure we are still comfortable that a non material vendor's status has not changed to Material and thus requiring due diligence. We do not do any cadence of recertification due diligence on Non Material vendors outside of the recurring OFAC check.
Our TPRM program lists these vendors as out of scope for the TPRM program:
Third Party Relationships that are not in scope for the TPRM program (but may still be part of the
vendor inventory to align with the appropriate internal relationship owners) are: government
agencies, public utilities, office supplies, annual dues or fees for professional association
memberships and subscriptions, charities, entities from which travel, meals and entertainment are
purchased, the US Postal Service, payee relationships (for legal settlements or payments to board
members), and Corporate Sponsorships and/or donations.
I hope that helps!
Jenn Wilkinson
Vice President
Strategic Vendor Management
Cenlar FSB
Original Message:
Sent: 12-05-2023 01:43 PM
From: Anonymous Member
Subject: "Out of Scope Vendors"
This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
A little background. I work in a community Bank. In our TPRM program we had stated that vendor is out of scope if:<o:p></o:p>
- Engaged for a single, non‐recurring service.<o:p></o:p>
- Audit firms and consultants<o:p></o:p>
- law firms<o:p></o:p>
- Subscriptions, memberships, or associations dues
- Employee training / educational development
- Catering and dining (such as Bank events)
- Public utilities & taxing authorities
- Supply ordering or printing services
- Bank related Contractors or Interior Design companies
- Certain facilities (routine maintenance)<o:p></o:p>
But with new TPRM guidance all third-party business relationships are in scope (excluding customers). <o:p></o:p>
So, my questions are:<o:p></o:p>
- How do we differentiate these vendors with what used to be in scope vendors in our TPRM program? <o:p></o:p>
- How you keep track of all of these vendors in venminder? <o:p></o:p>
- Should we risk assess all vendors? Should we go back and reevaluate our previously out of scope vendors?<o:p></o:p>
- Should we create a different risk category for them? we currently classify our in-scope vendors as High, Moderate, and low inherent risk.<o:p></o:p>
Sorry for the long question.<o:p></o:p>