Hi there,
While I can't offer a specific workflow, I would like to share this Checklist for Offboarding a Vendor and provide a general list of activities to complete and their order when terminating a vendor.
1. Articulate and document the reasons for termination.
2. Gather Documentation. If the vendor is being terminated for cause (e.g., breach of contract, poor performance), it's necessary to support this decision (such as emails, scorecards, and invoices).
3. Review your exit strategy to ensure that it is still practical and possible.
4. Carefully examine the contract to understand the conditions for termination, notification periods, remedies, and termination-related costs. If the termination is risky, seek the advice of a qualified legal professional to avoid litigation.
5. Create a detailed exit plan that includes roles and responsibilities for both parties, stakeholder communications, timelines, and contingency plans in case the vendor cannot or will not fulfill their obligations.
6. Work with legal to create a formal letter of termination that details the required notification period, the return of assets, the return or destruction of data, and any other relevant contractual obligations.
7. Communicate the termination to the vendor in person or via phone, letting them know they will receive the official notification of termination.
8. Send the official termination letter to the vendor via certified mail, FedEx, or other appropriate means.
9. Review the exit plan with the vendor to ensure they understand their obligations and the expected timing of all activities. Execute the exit plan and keep stakeholders updated.
10. Verify that all assets have been returned, that data has been returned or destroyed, and that vendor access to facilities and systems has been revoked.
11. Review the final invoice to ensure all charges are accurate and allowable.
12. Update all systems to reflect the terminated vendor status (TPRM system, AP, Access management, etc.).
13. Organize and appropriately store vendor records according to your internal records and data management policy. Make sure records remain accessible in the event of an audit, regulatory exam, or litigation.
I hope that is helpful, but I would love to hear from other members.
Original Message:
Sent: 02-27-2024 12:38 PM
From: Karmin Thompson
Subject: Offboarding workflow
Do any of you have a formalized offboarding workflow or process in place and if so, what does that look like? Do you have differing workflows by vendor type or one workflow that all vendors go through when terminating and those steps that aren't applicable are NA as you move through? My next question is whether anyone would anyone be willing to share their template(s) regarding offboarding? We are needing to formalize this part of the vendor lifecycle and are interested in what is working for others. Thank you in advance for your feedback on this topic!